Advanced M16 Armorer Course
Advanced Armorer Course
Police & Military Weapons - Special Weapons
This 16 hour block of instruction takes the individual armorer to a new level of weapons training
by creating an in-depth synthesis of diverse material rarely presented to Law Enforcement and Military personnel.
Specialized Armament has integrated over 30 yrs of first-hand knowledge, engineering, and experience
with a new advanced armorer manual, specialty tools, precision gages, proto-type fixtures, custom training aids,
and state-of-the-art weapons to form a 2 day advanced class that no one will soon forget.
This course builds directly on the skills
developed in the "basic/intermediate level" M16 : M4 : AR-15 Armorer Course (prerequisite),
emphasizing problem solving skills and critical thinking with multi-variable problems. Combat weapons in the real world.
Firearms covered:
M16 : M4 : AR-15 series weapons (5.56mm/223 REM)
Semi-Automatic – All types
Select-Fire – Automatic, Burst, 4-Way, and Geissele 2-Stage (SOCOM)
Special Operations & Suppressed Weapons
(Including the Colt LE6940 and related variants)
Instructor: Ken Elmore
Sergeant, U.S. Army (1986 – 1990)
Instructor, Police & Military Weapons (1988 - Present)
Engineer, Specialized Armament (1990 – present)
Instructor, Colt Defense (1997 – 2007)
Technical Consultant for BLACK RIFLE II (2004)
Subject Matter Expert, National Geographic (2006)
Firearms Consultant, International School of Tactical Medicine (2006 – present)
BA - California State University, Northridge (1985), Economics & German (Magna cum Laude)
Teaching Credential, Secondary Education - Substitute, Arizona (1986)
Three year Specialized Armament Certificate
(Industry Standard)
Restricted to military, law enforcement, corrections, security and related agencies.
(Or with Instructor approval)
Cost: $375.00
The course is a total of 16 hours over a 2 day training period.
Prerequisites - Requirements
***Specialized Armament - M16 : M4 : AR-15 Armorer Course***
NO OTHER ARMORER COURSE, from any other company
This Advanced course CAN ONLY BE TAKEN with the above M16 course
The Advanced Armorer Course CANNOT be taken by itself.
There is NO Advanced only course. Period.
Anywhere Police Department
1234 North Main Street
Anywhere, USA 00010
Time: Day 1 (THU) 0800-1700 hrs, Day 2 (FRI) 0800-1700
Reservations, Info, Questions:
Office: (480) 940-7397 (Messaging System)
Maximum class size - 15 students