Barrel Extension 5.56mm, 6940

Price: $125.00
Part Number : 65632



Colt LE6940 barrel extension, 5.56mm.

Important:  The barrel extension CANNOT be replaced on any barrel assy - without serious issues.
The extension is installed at the factory before the gas port is ever machined.
The timing of the barrel extension itself (at proper torque) determines the "top" of the barrel assy.

THIS means YOU cannot install a NEW (6940) barrel extension on your existing M4 barrel.
It will not time correctly and it will change the headspace (chamber dimensions) if you modify the new extension.

This barrel extension is offered for people/gunsmiths building custom 6940 series barrel assy's.
Please, do NOT purchase this item if you do not understand exactly what is written above.

This item is NOT returnable.  Your purchase is FINAL.

NOTE:  The Colt M5 uses a completely different barrel extension.  Not this part.
Colt 6940 series barrel assy's cannot be installed on Colt M5 upper rec assy's.
Or vice versa.

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